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If you're interested in learning more about my workshops or would like to inquire about hiring me, please e-mail me here.

Are you looking for fun, creative, and engaging workshops for your conference, retreat, event, business, club, church, or school? Look no further! I facilitate the following workshops - and can always customize my content or create alternative options!

Career Exploration 101 (2-4 hours; ages 14-18)

Are you a high school student who is beginning to think about life after graduation? Are you feeling totally overwhelmed by all of your choices? In this workshop, students will use a variety of assessments and activities to explore career choices and debunk the most common myths about major & career. You'll walk away with decision-making techniques, resources, and information that will help you make the right choice (for you!) as you begin planning your next steps.

Productive & Creative Journaling (1.5-2 hours; ages 14+)
What if there was a way to boost productivity and mindfulness by combining your to-do lists, calendar, and journal? This personalized planning method allows students to creatively design and organize their lives, careers, and dreams! In this introductory class, students will learn the basics of productive journaling, available resources (both paper and digital), and tools to add flair and fun to their journals.

Creative Journaling (1 hour; ages 7-13) 

Did you know that journaling provides numerous benefits for mental health? In our increasingly technology-focused world, we'll put pen-to-paper. Students will learn fun and creative ways to add flair to their journals and will walk away feeling connected and refreshed. If you can write, you can journal!

Journaling for Self-Discovery (1.5-2 hours; ages 14+)
Learn how to transform a simple notebook into an effective tool for your self-care, mindfulness, and self-discovery. In this class, students will put pen to paper and learn personal growth prompts, creative exercises, and a variety of journaling styles/techniques. Cultivating a regular journaling practice may seem intimidating, but students will learn simple ways to make self-reflection and discovery manageable. Whether you're a seasoned journaler or are new to reflective writing, this class is for you!

Mapping Your Goals (1.5-2 hours; ages 14+)

Goals come in lots of shapes and sizes: bucket lists, quarterly objectives, strategic plans, big dreams... many of us have lots of goals and plans to achieve those goals. Except... you’re not chasing the goal itself, you’re actually chasing the feeling that achieving that goal will give you. Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. In this workshop, you'll learn how to use the principles in Danielle LaPorte's bestselling book "The Desire Map," as well as "level ten" goal setting - not only to establish your desired goals but to achieve them as well. 

Find Your Family: An Introduction to Genealogy Research (1.5-2 hours; ages 14+)

Have you ever wondered if you descended from royalty? Did you know that you have 32 3x-great-grandparents, 64 4x-great-grandparents, and 128 5x-great-grandparents? Have you ever been curious about where your ancestors lived & worked, and what historical events they might have lived through? In this introductory workshop, students will learn the basics of genealogy research, including where (and how) to begin, how to access and understand research tools, and ways to effectively document their findings. Get curious about your ancestors and enjoy an opportunity to dig deeper into the lives of those who came before you. You might even be one of the many individuals who can identify strange coincidences between their ancestors and living family members! 

*Workshops have been facilitated at local businesses, churches, school districts, and recreation centers, including The Rochester Brainery, Circle of Hope Women's Retreat, Breathe Women's Retreat, Newark Senior High School, Town of Chili Recreation Department.  

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